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Public talk: FLO KASEARU
17th August 18:30
Under the Kroonuaia bridge



18th August 18:30
Under the Kroonuaia bridge
Talk will be led by Kärt Kelder.

Talks are in English.


The talks are organized in collaboration with Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava and Tartu 2024, part of „Moving Cities“ project.

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Artist Flo Kasearu introduces, how she has used public and city space in her practise and which freedom, reactions and errors it has created.

Flo Kasearu (1985) is an artist whose work brings together performative practices with video, painting, drawing, sculpture and installation, and explores themes like domestic violence, small businesses, unemployment, gender, identity, freedom, patriotism,
nationalism and the oppositions of public and private space. In her art, Flo reacts to social and political processes with a fine sense of humour. She often uses biographical material as the basis for her works.

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Urban pause as "fracture in the habitual arrangement" can be compared to an unhabitual
encounters with theatre audiences, where the format of „theatre“ is deviated from a traditional one. In the talk with performance artist and director Kadri Noormets we will get to know her artist practise, professional curiosity and experiences.

Kadri Noormets is an Estonian performance artist and director, copywriter and shadow writer. Her most recent performances are: “majandus/housing” in Voronja Gallery, “ümarlaud” and “mobiilsed definitsioonid” at Tartu Uus Teater, “maandatud tõotus” at Kanuti Gildi SAAL and “tõotatud maa” at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava. Last summer she curated a summer exhibition “IKOONILINE. eesmärk ja ettekääne” in Voronja Gallery. Currently she is doing a PhD at EMTA, specializing in drama.

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