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hike around the city


photo: Liisi Reitalu

Start: AUGUST 16, 10:00

Where: Toomemägi, next to Kristjan Jaak Peterson statue 

Duration: 7-8 h 
Register your participation HERE!

For many years flâneurs Andres Kauts and Märten Rattasepp have discussed walking around the city of Tartu while trying to keep mostly to the paths close to the edge. This goal will at last be achieved during this years UIT festival.


On the morning of August 16, at 10am, the strolling duo will set out on the journey from Toome Hill, at the statue of Kristjan Jaak Peterson. Anyone who wishes to accompany them on this trip is welcome - you can come along at the very beginning, or join at any point during the walk (if you can find them at the peripheries, that is). Reaching the end is not required, you can depart at any time. The distance of the walk-about is ~29-30 kilometers and will probably take around 7-8 hours. This will not be knowledgeable tour of all the boroughs, Andres and Märten probably won’t say anything new and interesting about Tartu. They will just walk.


As usual, it is recommended to stock up on water (especially if it happens to be a very hot day!) and snacks for the road. Around the middle of the walk there will be a meal break, hopefully in an obscure-but-cool food establishment. It is also recommend to wear comfortable footwear and clothes that suit the weather.


Andres Kauts spends his workdays at Tartu Elektriteater helping to screen movies. Since childhood he's been an avid fan of wandering all manner of back alleys and hinterlands.


Märten Rattasepp is a game writer and narrative designer who enjoys lifting heavy things from one place to the other, but also to walk aimlessly for endless hours and kilometers.

photo: Liisi Reitalu

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